Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Who is the Founder and CEO of Men Matter Too?

Mathew Warboys—voted Top 40 CEO in the World on LinkedIn—established Men Matter Too. This was borne out of Mathew’s own personal struggles with mental health and suicidal thoughts in the past. It became clear to Mathew that the answer of “men need to talk more” is insufficient in the face of the problem—and cannot explain why men are suffering in the first place. We need a deeper and more profound pushback against the widespread attacks on men and their masculinity! 

-How is Men Matter Too different from other groups?

We go deeper in our analysis and solutions. Male mental health and suicide prevention has grown in awareness in recent years—and that is incredibly welcome. But the solutions to the problem seem very surface-level to us here at Men Matter Too. Getting men to “talk more and open up” might be part of it—but it does not tell the whole story. 

We also want to push back against movements that purport to be pro-men, but actually are a thinly veiled attempt to repudiate masculinity, by suggesting that men should feminize their character, and come to terms with the pain from a loss of (mythical) “patriarchy”. These malevolent forces are actually inherently anti-men and anti-the real solution. Men Matter Too is committed to doing better! 

-What is in it for women at Men Matter Too?

Actually, a lot! Of course, some people will attempt—for their own ends—to paint this as an anti-female movement (but that's a shame on them). The “too” part in Men Matter Too is very important: because it contains the clear and obvious assumption that women matter, and this movement is about generating better understanding and cooperation between men and women. 

The support that we receive from women is immense. It means the world to us. In the end, all women have men in their life, because men and women are co-dependent. Here at Men Matter Too, we believe that that is a cause of celebration, and it is amazing that so many women wish to better understand the men in their life. 

-Do men really need a movement since they have always “had more power than women in the patriarchy”?

Here at Men Matter Too, we fundamentally reject that flawed assumption. The idea that history is about men dominating women is nonsense. Our human species has thrived for so long because of the teamwork between men and women; with the natural masculine instinct to protect and serve (not dominate and control). 

To say otherwise is an appalling view to tell both men and women, when we have achieved—and will continue to achieve—so much together. Our aim is for women to look at their husband, boyfriend, father, grandfather, and other male friends and family—with a clear understanding that, just as they are not “toxic” and patriarchal tyrants, other men are not either. 

-What about the problem of “Toxic Masculinity”?

There isn’t one! Some men are toxic; some women are toxic. Not because of their masculinity and femininity, though—but rather when they step away from them. 

The charge of “Toxic Masculinity” is normally accompanied by examples such as rape and sexual assault, misbehaviour and harassment towards women, chauvinism, misogyny, and so forth. But these have nothing to do with “masculinity”—and everything to do with the individual character of that particular man. 

Holding all men accountable for the crimes of the few bad apples is as inappropriate as holding all people of a certain race accountable for the actions of a few within their societal group. 

Justice is (or at least should be) based on individual character and conduct; not identity politics and “group guilt”. Saying “Toxic Masculinity” is as bigoted and sexist as saying “White Privilege” is racist.